Father's Day this year was filled with many ups and downs for us.
The day started out good. Great, actually.
We slept in until 9:30. Woo hoo!
Mason woke up his usual happy and sweet self.
He and I played in the living room for a bit.
Then he woke up Daddy by saying, "Happy Faughter's Day".
It was the cutest.
It was the cutest.
We all hung out and played for a while more.
Then we tried to go to a Father's Day Brunch and that's when all heck broke loose!
Mason is in this phase right now where his carseat is the most awful thing.
He screams, kicks, twists, cries, etc. and throws a major fit.
It's draining for me because the whole time he's crying, "Mama hold you", "Mama, I get out" and it yanks my heart because I just want to hold and console him.
But we have to teach him that he has to sit in his seat.
We didn't even get off our street before we turned around.
We just knew we were fighting a losing battle.
We went home, hung out and regrouped.
Tried again later and it was a success.
We went to lunch and to Target.
Mason was wonderful.
No fits and he was his usual happy self.
We found some outdoor chairs on sale at Target and needed to get the truck and come back to get them. Plus we needed sand for Mason's sandbox.
He was okay with it all.
But right before we were to leave again he started
chasing the chickens and didn't want to leave.
So again, he through a little fit because he didn't want to sit in his seat.
So hard!
I'm praying that it was because he was a little behind on sleep.
He had some allergies last week and stayed home with his Nana Thursday and Friday.
He got a little off schedule because they played too hard!
He has so much fun with them.
The rest of the evening was great.
Daddy mowed while Mason and I organized his room.
Then Mason helped Daddy mow, visited Papa Jim and Memaw {neighbors}, played outside, Daddy grilled and we ate supper on the porch.
It was nice!
All in all, I think Hubbs had a great Father's Day.
When we were winding down I let him see my Father's Day post and he cried!
I love that man so much!
Are they handsome or what?