Mason was playing in his room one evening and started yelling...
"Mama, come mere. Mama, come mere"
so I ran in there and he says,
"Here, I got you a teddy bear" and hands me one of his bears!
At Mason's 2 year check up the Doctor asked him how old he was - he says {very matter-factedly}
"I'm four"
and went on about his business!!
Saturday morning {7/7} I woke up to Mason putting his puppy in my face and saying
"Wake up Mommy. Puppy dooooooooves you"
Nathan - "Mason, wanna lay in here with me?" {sleeping bag}
Mason - "I can't, I'm too big.
Monday {7/10} I picked up Mason a little later than normal from school. I was telling him sorry for getting there a little late.
He pats me on the back and says, "Don't worry Mama".